рус / eng
Andrei Konchalovsky. Nobody knows...

Why the director is so influential is a mystery to both his fans and critics, a mystery the author of this book Viktor Filimonov is eager to solve.
Danny Trejo`s visit

Invited by the Andrei Konchalovsky Production Center, renowned American actor Danny Trejo will arrive in Moscow on 7 November. His visit is timed to coincide with the Andrei Konchalovsky film retrospective which will take place from 28 October to 16 November at the Khudozhestvenniy cinema.
Max von Sydow`s master-class

On 30 October The Andrei Konchalovsky Production Center has invited renowned Swedish actor Max von Sydow to give a master-class to the VGIK students
The opening of the Moscow retrospective

On 28 October the opening of the Moscow retrospective was held at the Khudozhestveniy cinema. Andrei Konchalovsky and renowned Swedish actor Max von Sydow presented the film Duet for One (1986).
Andrei Konchalovsky`s master-class

On 26 October Andrei Konchalovsky gave a master-class at the Khudozhestvenniy cinema