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Julia Vysotskaya's books

В своей новой книге Юлия Высоцкая рассказывает о системе, которую она назвала «Перезагрузка» и которая позволяет ей готовить и есть в свое удовольствие, но при этом не толстеть и оставаться здоровой и энергичной. Ресурсы нашего организма на самом деле просто невероятны, но, чтобы ими пользоваться, нужно отладить и поддерживать процесс обмена веществ. «Перезагрузка» — это осознанная балансировка организма, это подробный план питания на месяц, расписанный по дням недели, а еще это множество интересных рецептов, рекомендованных для каждой фазы системы. «Именно эта система, — утверждает Юлия, — помогает мне справляться с нагрузками и получать удовольствия, от которых я отказываться не намерена, потому что без них моя жизнь будет скучна!»
Мясное меню

За годы существования программы "Едим Дома!" в ее архиве собрались тысячи рецептов. Из них для книги "Мясное меню" Юлия Высоцкая отобрала только самые лучшие. Мамины котлеты, бабушкины пироги с курицей, пельмени, слепленные всей семьей, шашлыки летом, фаршированная утка зимой - все это оставляет воспоминания о счастливых семейных днях, об уютном доме, наполненном головокружительными запахами и любовью.

Готовьте, ешьте, кормите близких, угощайте друзей, именно приготовленная собственноручно еда и дает ощущение, что дом - это центр мира.
Вкусный год

В жизни всегда есть место празднику! Мы отмечаем дни рождения и детские победы, приглашаем гостей, устраиваем романтические ужины, пижамные вечеринки... Чтобы избавиться от хлопот и полностью посвятить себя радостному событию, важно иметь под рукой яркие и красивые идеи, которые реально воплотить в жизнь.

Каждое меню, представленное в книге, состоит из пяти блюд и посвящено какому-либо одному празднику, но также может быть использовано и по любому другому поводу. А еще лучше, считает Юлия Высоцкая, не ждать повода и устраивать праздники себе и своим близким просто по велению души!
Активное меню

Новый сборник рецептов Юлии Высоцкой «Активное меню» составит основу здорового питания для всех, кто живет активно, движется вперед, заботится о здоровье и хорошей физической форме. Домашняя гранола и каша из киноа, рыба в фисташковой корочке и заливное из кролика, зеленый плов и гречневые блины, запеченные персики и взбитый творог — это меню здоровых, красивых, успешных. Нескучные, аппетитные и полезные блюда из бестселлеров и самых популярных программ известной телеведущей — это готовый план действий для создания правильного рациона.
Homemade Sweet Gifts

В этой книге Юлия Высоцкая рассказывает, как можно легко и просто решить вопрос праздничных подарков. «Если вы хотите порадовать друзей и близких, приготовьте что-нибудь вкусное, сложите в красивую баночку или пакетик и смело дарите!» — советует Юлия и делится своими идеями рецептов-подарков. Домашним трюфелям и шоколаду на палочке, печенью «Мадлен» и имбирным пряникам, апельсиновому мармеладу и даже знаменитому торту «Павлова» вполне можно придумать нарядную упаковку и сделать из них замечательный неповторимый подарок. А ведь нет ничего лучше того, что сделано собственными руками!
365 Breakfasts for Every Day

Breakfast recipes as seen in the TV programmes “Let’s Eat at Home!” and “Breakfast with Julia Vysotskaya” are appealingly versatile. Each of these dishes could make a proper breakfast or dinner on a weekday or become a part of a festive table. According to Julia Vysotskaya they can be cooked using what’s there, besides no advanced cooking skills are required for a great number of healthy and tasty dishes.
Удачное меню

Удача любого пикника — в правильной подготовке, — считает Юлия Высоцкая, — любая импровизация на природе должна быть хорошо спланирована дома. В этой книге Юлия делится рецептами блюд, которые легко приготовить у себя на даче или собравшись с друзьями где-нибудь на лесной поляне. Вы узнаете, как сделать шашлык нескучным, замариновав его с зеленью, как пожарить на гриле ароматную фаршированную семгу и какие напитки лучше всего пить на свежем воздухе.
Kitchen, the Heart of the House

Кухня — главное место в доме, где собирается за столом вся семья, где творятся кулинарные чудеса и сохраняются традиции. Своим опытом, секретами и рецептами, без которых не обойдется ни одна хорошая хозяйка, делится в новой книге ее автор —актриса и телеведущая Юлия Высоцкая. Как создать кухню своей мечты: заполнить шкафы так, чтобы все было под рукой, решить, где удобнее хранить кастрюли и моющие средства, определить, сколько продуктов покупать, чтобы хватило от закупки к закупке? Как продумать и просчитать все заранее, чтобы можно было двигаться по своей кухне с закрытыми глазами и скоростью метеора, а главное, всегда чувствовать себя во всеоружии, даже если на пороге объявились неожиданные гости? Как правильно выбирать продукты, грамотно их хранить и наилучшим образом готовить? Ответы вы найдете в этой книге. А еще вы узнаете, как Юлия готовит бефстроганов и гуся с яблоками, варит куриный бульон и запекает семгу, а также делает суфле и печет хлеб.
365 Salads for Every Day

Salads and starters recipes as seen in the TV programmes “Let’s Eat at Home!” and “Breakfast with Julia Vysotskaya” are appealingly versatile. Each of these dishes could make a proper breakfast or dinner on a weekday or become a part of a festive table. According to Julia Vysotskaya they can be cooked using what’s there, besides no advanced cooking skills are required for a great number of healthy and tasty dishes.
Sunday Breakfasts

Идеальное утро! Каждый, наверное, представляет его по-своему. Для Юлии Высоцкой это утро столь желанного выходного дня, когда никуда не нужно спешить. В такой день ты предоставлен самому себе, своим любимым и родным и можешь сделать из утренней еды целое событие, считает Юлия и предлагает читателям интересные, яркие и запоминающиеся рецепты для воскресного завтрака из своей телепрограммы.
Easter Menu

This collection of recipes from the "Edim doma!" TV show has been put together just in time for Easter, the sweetest holiday of the year. "During these holidays I really love to have Russian food on the table," says Julia Vysotskaya, who shares the recipes for dishes that her family used to have at Easter when she was a kid and those she has created herself over the years through trial and error. Find out how to make a fluffy and light paskha dish; how to bake a kulich Easter cake that, just like her grandmother's, never goes stale; how to make chocolate Easter eggs, and so much more. All the recipes feature colourful illustrations.
This is the first book of its kind!
Homemade Takeaways

If you are the kind of person who thinks in advance what you’re going to eat that day, that means you care about your health, that you don't fill up on junk food. Crisps and chocolate bars are treats that you only allow yourself to have
occasionally. The best way to boost your energy and make sure you are not feeling
constantly drained, is to prepare your own food at home. Julia Vysotskaya's most recent book is filled with recipes for dishes you can take to work, put in your kid's lunchbox or take on a picnic.
On a Quest for a Tiramisu

Julia Vysotskaya’s new book tells about her happy times in Italy, days filled with colour and joy.

It is a culinary guide in which Julia gives us the lowdown and shares her own culinary secrets and those of her friends and top Italian chefs.

Filled with 130 delicious recipes that Julia has gathered over the last couple years, this book will send you on a quest for the perfect tiramisu, the perfect risotto, the perfect pasta dish or the perfect ice cream.

It is a love story between a beautiful country and the author of the book, because for Julia, Italy is an endless source of inspiration and joie de vivre.

At the end of the book you will find a list of her favourite restaurants, and on many of the pages you will come across QR codes containing useful links, which will even allow you to listen to some of the music Julia enjoyed while she was pursuing her very own Italy.
Cooking for the Kids

Julia Vysotskaya’s book revolves around healthy meals for children and is filled with delicious and wholesome dishes that Julia Vysotskaya used to prepare for her own offspring.
It features recipes for children of all ages, from young babies to kids who are already at school, which are accompanied by interesting comments written by Julia to help young mothers chose the best ingredients for their little ones.
Baking for Lyolik. Home-made recipes

Julia Vysotskaya's new book Plyushki dlya Lyolika. Domashniye Retsepty (Baking for Lyolik. Home-made recipes) is in parts autobiographical: it is filled with recipes Julia has learned over the years and with interesting stories surrounding these mouth-watering dishes.
Discover what Julia's grandmother enjoyed cooking, which traditional dishes from the Ukraine and the Caucuses have remained firm favourites in her family, and how to prepare an egg just the way Andrei Konchalovsky likes it!
New year`s eve menu

This collection of recipes taken from TV show Edim Doma! comprises all our Christmas and New Year favourites.
Julia Vysotskaya shows us how to prepare well in advance for the festivities, so that we don't use up all our energy in the kitchen and can look our best when the guests arrive. This book features all the recipes she makes for her friends and family during the Yuletide season.
Learn to make a real Caesar salad, to surprise guests with a traditional Russian salad served in Éclairs, to roast a quail with whiskey and marmalade, and much more!
Recipes for a healthy and active life

For healthy living fans!
At the request of her readers, Julia Vysotskaya has selected her tastiest and healthiest recipes from her book Em, begu, zhivu (I Eat, I Run, I Live).
"Going on a diet and depriving yourself of your favourite food is silly," says Julia. “The key is in the quantity: you can eat whatever you like, just don’t overdo it.”
365 recipes for everyday

This new collection of recipes from the television programme Edim Doma! features dishes that are easy to make and even easier on the pocket.
Julia Vysotskaya truly believes that anyone can cook. In this book she shares with us everyday recipes for interesting and original dishes, made from inexpensive products, that will do just as well for special occasions.
Quick Breakfasts

Collection of recipes from the television show "Breakfast with Julia Vysotskaya" for people who are not afraid to spend the morning extra 10-15 minutes in the kitchen.
"It really does not matter what I cook: cheese cakes, buckwheat, eggs poached on toast or simply squeeze the juice, boil hot chocolate. This is the beginning of my day, the one and only day of my life. I'm starting to eat it!" - Says Julia Vysotskaya and offers readers interesting but simple recipes morning food.
Let's Eat at Home! One, Two and Done in a Flash!

In the fourth collection of television programs "Eat at home!" (2007-2008 season) includes simple and quick recipes of cooking.
"Even if you have not a specific culinary skills, not necessarily every day roast potatoes," - says Julia Vysotskaya and offers recipes of simple dishes that she cooks for her family.
Big Culinary Book

The publication is a real gift for those who cook the recipes TV show "Eat At Home!", who loves books by Julia Vysotskaya.
Have become so popular recipes combined into one big culinary collection in which readers will find hundreds of recipes for all occasions: salads, soups, vegetables, meat, poultry, and fish, as well as desserts, drinks and pastries.
"For me, cooking is not just a hobby and not even passion, but a real work - says Julia Vysotskaya - and if you're flipping through the pages of this book, you want something to cook, then you have also a desire to create".
Cooking for Kids of All Ages

The book is devoted to healthy diets for children and not only comprises array recipes, but also tips on how to feed kids of all ages: from babies who are being breast fed to adolescents.
It's a sort of "friendly guide" filled with kind and intelligent advice. In it, Julia shares her experiences, and the difficulties she came across when she had her own children, and provides numerous tasty and healthy recipes to create dishes for kids.
The book is particularly aimed at young parents and parents-to-be.
Does your child not like porridge? Does he not eat well? Is he picky with his food? Does he refuse to eat vegetables? Julia Vysotskaya provides you will simple answers to all these problems and many more related to your child's eating habits.
I eat, I run, I live!

Julia Vysotskaya’s new book about a healthy lifestyle is the original secret a successful modern-day woman.
The book is dedicated to healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle as a whole. Julia shares tricks on how one can keep fit, which exercises one needs to do to stay in good shape, and offers recipes for tasty, healthy dishes.
“Going on a diet or not letting yourself enjoy food, is silly”, says Julia. “The important thing is quantities: you can eat what you like, just not too much of it.”

This book is about drinks: "Life without water is impossible, but without delicious beverages like tea, coffee, juice, wine and champagne it's just plain boring!" says Julia Vysotskaya, who shares her recipes for drinks she enjoys preparing at home for her family and friends.

In this book Julia Vysotskaya talks about how baking is her forte, and how she is particularly fond of cooking with pastry.
This passion can be felt in her work, Julia assures us, and the recipes she has included are ones that always work for everyone.

In this book Julia Vysotskaya wonders why no one regards soup as a main dish, and assures us that by adding a little imagination to your soup you will have a true culinary masterpiece.
Tasty Notes

Julia Vysotskaya’s "Tasty Notes" is not just a book of recipes, its a trip down memory lane: the old forgotten notebook in the kitchen, written in mum's handwriting, the smell of pies, the whole family gathered round the table; memories which everyone has!
"Tasty Notes" is a reason to go step back into those happy, carefree days and write down a couple of recipes or prepare one of those dishes which Julia herself has given us.
Lets' Eat at Home Every Day

In the third collection of television programs " Let`s Eat at home!" (2006-2007 season) was written for those, who somehow manage to find time in our modern-day hectic lives to cook for their nearest and dearest.
It comprises recipes, which don't require a lot of time and which will happily keep in the fridge for a couple of days.
Julia calls these dishes "magic wands", and insists that everyday food doesn't have to be boring!
Rice, pasta and much more

In this book Julia Vysotskaya encourages us to stop seeing pasta and rice as mere side dishes. Aromatic rice, macaroni, buckwheat and even lentils and broad beans -which we don't often see on Russian tables- can make delicious main dishes.

This book is about salads.
Salads can be made from anything, they should not be too difficult, says Julia Vysotskaya and encourages readers to dream, to substitute ingredients to create their masterpieces.
Hot Dishes

This book is composed of recipes for hot dishes which Julia Vysotksaya believes to be the basics of a family meal, which will bring together all members of the family and keep up family traditions. Hot dishes don't have to be too complicated; the important thing is to prepare them with love.

In this book Julia Vysotskaya suggests we treat desserts like a true delicacy, which we can allow ourselves now and then, not like an everyday dish.
So there's no need to shy away from sweet things; you just need to choose a recipe, cook something delicious and treat yourself and your loved ones.

This book is dedicated to vegetables, which can be bought in our shops and markets. Julia Vysotskaya tells us which ones are worth buying and which are a waste of money, and shares her experience in cooking varied vegetable dishes.
Let's Eat at Home All Year Round

The idea of ​​the second collection of recipes from the show "Let`s Eat at Home" (season 2004 - 2006) is the right food, the right place and the right time.
What makes this book different from many other culinary books is the fact that the author invites the reader to associate ingredients with the seasons, and cook according to the time of the year.
Julia Vysotskaya suggests eat apricots in August, vanilla and nut pie in January, dumplings with cherry in Ukraine and satsivi and khachapuri in Georgia

The book is based on the script written by Andrei Konchalovsky and Dunya Smirnova for the film "Gloss".
"I wanted to write a book using the style of a trashy novel, and this was the result. It's best to read it on public transport, in the dentist's waiting room or at the hairdressers, and if you've read nearly to the end, thinking of the money you wasted on it, make sure you to finish it at home, in the toilet, so that you can leave the book there afterwards, on the bookshelf next to all your other favourite books of the same genre. So, have fun wasting your time...
"Let`s Eat at Home!" Recipes by Julia Vysotskaya

The first collection of recipes from the TV show "Let`s Eat At Home" (season 2003-2004) has long been a culinary bestseller in Russia.
Dishes prepared in these recipes are original and simple, plus they tested in practice, not only by Julia Vysotskaya, but many fans of her work.